Bridging the Gap Between European Expertise and African Innovation

The place where Tech meets Travel

The Story

Promise of the New World

In the twilight of 1400s Venice, the shimmering Grand Canal played host to the city's bustling heart. As the revered mathematician Luca Pacioli unveiled his revolutionary book on accounting to an eager crowd, whispers of a New World circulated among the city's sailors and adventurers. Young sailors, recently returned from a voyage, were drawn to these tales, hearing hints of hidden maps that promised uncharted territories. The allure of discovery and the promise of Pacioli's new age of commerce converged, setting the stage for an era of exploration and transformation.

Searching for the new horizons

Amidst the exploratory zeal following the events in Venice, luminaries like Vasco da Gama and Bartolomeu Dias played pivotal roles in navigating uncharted waters. While the allure of the New World beckoned many westward, Da Gama and Dias were drawn to the mysteries of Africa. Their daring voyages around the Cape of Good Hope not only established crucial trade routes but also revealed the vast treasures and profound secrets of the African continent. From the arid expanse of the Sahara to the intricate waterways of the Congo, their journeys intertwined commerce, discovery, and ambition, always shadowed by the tantalizing promise of lands yet unknown.

Africa - the last frontier

Centuries after the exploits of da Gama and Dias, the world had transformed, yet Africa remained a captivating enigma, often dubbed "The Final Frontier." Amidst global megacities, Africa's untamed landscapes, from the peaks of Kilimanjaro to the Congo's dense heart, beckoned anew. But beyond its natural wonders, the continent pulsed with a melding of ancient traditions and modern innovation. Cities like Nairobi, Lagos, and Cape Town emerged as hubs of tech and artistry, showcasing Africa's boundless potential in a rapidly evolving world.

The future

In the near future, megacities will transform global landscapes, with Africa emerging as a pivotal epicenter. Cities like Kinshasa, Nairobi, and Johannesburg will evolve into tech-driven powerhouses. These urban hubs, blending tradition with innovation, will became hotbeds for businesses leveraging advanced technologies. From AI in agriculture to virtual reality ventures, opportunities abounded. As boundaries of possibility expand, Africa's megacities will symbolize humanity's vast potential.

About US

Premysl Trojan

Start-up industry expert with significant experience in SaaS finance and business development. Unique blend of entrepreneurial and corporate expertize covering business start-ups, accounting, budgeting & reporting, P&L management, international corporate finance, tax, IT, market entry strategies, and large system implementations.

Jana Trojan

Head of Travel for Villa Campi, a Cape Town based boutique tour operator focusing on the high-end incoming tourist market with special focus on the CEE region. Certified Tour Guide in South Africa and Swaziland.

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